Glasgow to Blackpool train

Sun, 19 May
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Cheap train tickets from Glasgow to Blackpool

Showing times and prices for 20 May


The best way to find a cheap train ticket from Glasgow to Blackpool is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid travelling at rush hour.

Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Transpennine Express
0 changes

Train timetableGlasgow to Blackpool

Showing trains for tomorrow, Monday, 20 May
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Transpennine Express
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes

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20 May
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Train times from Glasgow to Blackpool

Showing times and prices for 20 May

Fastest Journey

3 h 13 m


3 h 53 m

Trains per day



241 km

Of the 7 trains that leave Glasgow for Blackpool every day 7 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Avanti West Coast
0 changes
Transpennine Express
0 changes

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Virgin Trains
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Cross Country
Deutsche Bahn

Overview: Train from Glasgow to Blackpool

distanceDistance149 miles
durationAverage train duration2 h 51 min
priceAverage train ticket price£47 (€52)
frequencyTrain frequency16 a day
changesDirect trainNo
carriersTrain companiesVirgin Trains, TransPennine Express, ScotRail or Northern Rail (3)

Trains from Glasgow to Blackpool cover the 149 miles long journey taking on average 2 h 51 min with our travel partners like Virgin Trains, TransPennine Express, ScotRail or Northern Rail (3). Normally, there are 16 trains operating per day. While the average ticket price for this journey costs around £47, you can find the cheapest train ticket for as low as £16. Travellers depart most frequently from Glasgow Central and arrive in Blackpool North.

Train companies: Virgin Trains, TransPennine Express and ScotRail trains Glasgow to Blackpool

Travel between Glasgow and Blackpool from £15 with Omio’s train partners Virgin Trains, TransPennine Express and ScotRail! You can find the best timetables and tickets when comparing and booking the most convenient route for you.

Avanti West Coast is a train company based in the United Kingdom. It operates high-speed trains between London and major cities in the UK, including Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh. The company offers a range of ticket types, including Standard, First Class and Advance tickets. Onboard facilities include free Wi-Fi, power sockets, comfortable seating and a range of food and drinks. The most popular routes for Avanti West Coast are London to Birmingham, London to Manchester and London to Glasgow. The company operates a fleet of Pendolino and Super Voyager trains, which offer a smooth and comfortable journey.

Train information from Glasgow to Blackpool with Virgin Trains:

  • Average Duration: 2 h 54 min
  • Cheapest Price: £15
  • Virgin Trains frequency: 13 a day

Trains from Glasgow to Blackpool

You can easily get trains from Glasgow to Blackpool, with there being a regular service throughout the week. Up to 20 trains depart on most days, depending on the day of the week that you travel. With the first departure being early in the morning and the last one being in the evening, there should be a suitable train for you to catch. The average journey time for Glasgow to Blackpool trains is around 3 h 30 min, so it won't be long before you arrive at your destination. Most train journeys are not direct, so you will be required to make a quick change along the way.

Glasgow to Blackpool Train Time: Daily Departures

On weekdays, there are approximately 17 trains each day on this route. There are slightly more trains on Saturdays, with about 23 of them departing. Whilst on Sundays, the train Glasgow to Blackpool has around ten departures. The first departure on weekdays and Saturdays tends to be at about 04:20, whilst on Sundays, it's at around 09:15. The final train from Glasgow to Blackpool normally leaves at about 19:10 on weekdays, around 18:50 on Saturdays and approximately 15:35 on Sundays.

How long is the journey by train from Glasgow to Blackpool?

When you take trains from Glasgow to Blackpool, the total journey time tends to be about 3 h 30 min on average. There is a faster train that you can take though, with travel times of approximately 3 h 7 min. Most of the trains on this route are not direct, so you'll have to transfer during your journey.

Trains from Glasgow to Blackpool: picnics at the botanic gardens in Glasgow. Source: Shutterstock

What are the departure and arrival stations for trains from Glasgow to Blackpool?

Departure train station:When you get a train to Blackpool from Glasgow, you will most likely depart from Glasgow Central, which is in the heart of the city. For instance, you can travel to the train station from popular tourist areas like People's Palace in around 16 min if you take the number 18 bus. You can use showers, toilets, and baby changing areas at the station. There are also ticket machines and places to get refreshments.

Arrival train station:You will most likely arrive at either Blackpool North or Blackpool South. Blackpool North is around an 8 min walk from the North Pier, whilst Blackpool South is around a ten-minute journey to Sea Life Blackpool on the number 11 bus. At Blackpool North, you will find toilets, a customer service desk and ticket machines. Whilst at Blackpool South, there is a payphone, an information desk and accessible features for those with disabilities.

Which train companies travel from Glasgow to Blackpool?

Two train companies travel from Glasgow to Blackpool. These are TransPennine Express and Avanti West Coast, which both operate a regular service throughout the week. With TransPennine Express, you can catch about eight trains between Monday and Saturday and around four on Sundays. Avanti West Coast operates approximately nine trains on weekdays, about 15 on Saturdays and around six on Sundays. The average train time for this route is approximately 3 h 30 min, so it won't take long to arrive at the seaside resort. All trains are indirect, so you'll be required to make a transfer along the way, which is often at a station such as Preston.

Night trains Glasgow

You can't get any night trains from Glasgow to Blackpool; however, some trains operate this route early in the morning. The first train you can catch, for example, is at about 04:22 and arrives at Blackpool in the region of about 08:17. The last train of the day is at about 20:05 and normally arrives about 23:15.

Avanti West Coast trains from Glasgow to Blackpool

Avanti West Coast Glasgow to Blackpool train tends to have about nine trains on weekdays, about 15 on Saturdays and approximately six on Sundays. The first departure between Monday and Friday is normally about 11:30, with the final departure around 20:05. On Saturdays, the first train normally leaves at about 04:25, with the latest departure being around 18:40. On Sundays, you can normally catch a train as early as about 09:30, with them running until about 15:45. The average time for journeys with this provider is about 3 h 30 min, with some trains travelling slightly faster at about 3 h 7 min. Most trains require a transfer along the way, often at a station such as Preston.

TransPennine Express trains from Glasgow to Blackpool

TransPennine Express Glasgow to Blackpool trains also offer a great service throughout the week. With around eight trains every day between Monday to Friday, and about four trains on Sundays, there should be plenty of choices. The earliest train tends to depart at 04:20 on weekdays and Saturdays, whilst on Sundays, it's a bit later at around 09:15. The final train of the day is at about 19:10 between Monday and Friday, 18:50 on Saturdays and 15:05 on Sundays. Similarly to Avanti West Coast, this journey has an average duration of about 3 h 30 min, with some slightly faster trains too. There is also a change on this trip, most likely at Preston.

Trains from Glasgow to Blackpool: Sustainability travel

When you get a train from Glasgow to Blackpool, you will be opting for a sustainable mode of transport. Compared to bus and car journeys, trains tend to produce fewer carbon emissions per passenger, so you are contributing to greener travel. With less noise pollution, local wildlife populations are disturbed less and allowed to thrive.

Train Glasgow to Blackpool: Services on Board

When you get trains from Glasgow to Blackpool you can enjoy some great facilities. There are both First and Second Class cabins to enjoy a range of benefits such as comfier seating and extra leg space. The luggage policy for Avanti West Coast is that bags can be no larger than 30cm x 70cm x 90cm. On TransPennine trains, they must fit into the luggage rack; otherwise, they will be considered too big. You can take bikes on board, but you must reserve in advance as there is limited space. You can also take pets on the train free of charge, but you must have them under your control at all times. If you are travelling with a disability or a mobility issue and need help, you can contact the operator in advance. They will then ensure that a staff member is on hand to assist you when you get to the station.

How to find cheap train tickets from Glasgow to Blackpool

You can get cheap train tickets if you try to buy them as early as possible. Tickets usually get more expensive close to the departure date. If you have flexibility with your trip, you can also save money, as tickets a few hours on either side of your preferred travel date may be cheaper. Railcards, like a senior railcard, can also help you make great savings on all journeys. If you want to read about more cheap destinations that you can travel to in the UK, check out the OmioMagazineas well.

Trains from Glasgow to Blackpool: beach walk in Blackpool. Source: Shutterstock

To Blackpool by train—travel tips

Blackpool is a great destination to visit, with there being lots to offer families. One of the best places to begin is at Blackpool Zoo, where you can see a range of your favourite species. If you want to travel around Blackpool, you should also test out the Blackpool Tramway, which is not only practical but great fun for kids. The Blackpool Tower is also a must-see, offering unobstructed views along the coastline. If you want to get the heart pumping, then head over to Blackpool Pleasure Beach, which has a range of rides for all the family. If you want more action, then you can enjoy an afternoon at Sandcastle water park, which provides great fun for everyone. Finish off your trip to Blackpool by eating fish and chips on Blackpool Beach whilst the sun comes down.

  • Go and watch some dancing at the Blackpool Tower Ballroom
  • Enjoy an afternoon at Madame Tussauds Blackpool
  • See your favourite marine life at Sea Life Blackpool
  • Go for a stroll at Stanley Park
  • Check out Blackpool Illuminations

FAQs: Glasgow to Blackpool train

FAQs: Travel by train from Glasgow to Blackpool easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Glasgow to Blackpool.
Cheap train tickets from Glasgow to Blackpool can start from as little as £16 when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Glasgow to Blackpool is £47; however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The average journey time by train from Glasgow to Blackpool is 2 h 51 min   to travel the 149 mile long route, with around there are 16 trains per day. Journey times can vary on weekends and holidays.
The first train from Glasgow to Blackpool leaves at 05: 48. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from Glasgow to Blackpool leaves at 20: 06.
There are 16 trains a day from Glasgow to Blackpool which require at least one change with Virgin Trains, TransPennine Express, ScotRail or Northern Rail (3). Schedules can vary on holidays or weekends with fewer trains.
For the best Glasgow to Blackpool train to purchase, you can travel safely and comfortably with Virgin Trains, TransPennine Express, ScotRail or Northern Rail (3). However, it's always good to check all possible train providers with services between Glasgow and Blackpool to compare what amenities they may offer.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 20: 06.

When departing from Glasgow, you have various train station options to start your trip from including Glasgow Central, Glasgow Queen Street and Glasgow Central or Glasgow Queen Street. When arriving in Blackpool, you can end your trip in train stations like Blackpool North, Blackpool Pleasure Beach and Blackpool South.

Passengers board the train most frequently from Glasgow Central, which is located around 1.1 miles (1.7 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Blackpool North, located 0.9 miles (1.5 km) away from the city centre.

A trip to Blackpool from Glasgow is worth doing but not as a day trip with a journey time of 2 h 51 min each way. Check with Omio app   the best way to travel.
The cheapest month to travel from Glasgow to Blackpool by train is December.
You have options as you can travel to Blackpool from Glasgow 2 different ways: train or coach.

Important Stations and Airports in Glasgow and Blackpool

Glasgow Central is the most popular Glasgow railway station for Omio travellers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Glasgow for your journey to Blackpool.
Amenities at station
Ticket Office Hours
Mon - Sat: 05: 30 - 21: 30 | Sun: 09: 15 - 21: 30
Public transport options for Glasgow Central
Bus lines: 6, 7, 18, 21, 75, 263, 267, 500 Airport Express
Train lines: West Coast Main Line, ScotRail, Avanti West Coast, LNER, TransPennine Express, CrossCountry, Caledonian Sleeper
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Bus pick up / drop off on Gordon St.
Glasgow Queen StreetWifiParkingAccessibility
Amenities at station
Public transport options for Glasgow Queen Street
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Buses pick up/drop off from the bus stop on the bridge at Cathedral Street
Metro: Interchange station for SPT Subway
Glasgow Central or Glasgow Queen StreetAccessibility
Amenities at station
Glasgow Airport
Charing Cross (Glasgow)ShoppingParkingATMAccessibility
Amenities at station
Public transport options for Charing Cross (Glasgow)
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Buses pick up/drop off from Elmbank Gardens to the left of the station entrance
High Street (Glasgow)ShoppingParkingAccessibility
Amenities at station
Public transport options for High Street (Glasgow)
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Buses pick up/drop off in front of the station on High Street
Queens Park (Glasgow)ParkingAccessibility
Amenities at station
Public transport options for Queens Park (Glasgow)
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Buses pick up/drop off on Victoria Road
Glasgow, Nithsdale Road
Glasgow, Telephone Exchange
HomeTrainsTrain Times to Blackpool Glasgow to Blackpool train

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