Angers to London train

Sat, 20 Apr
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Cheap train tickets from Angers to London

Showing times and prices for 21 Apr


The best way to find a cheap train ticket from Angers to London is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid travelling at rush hour.

TGV inOui
1 change
TGV inOui
1 change

Train timetableAngers to London

Showing trains for tomorrow, Sunday, 21 April
TGV inOui
1 change
TGV inOui
1 change

This is the last train of the day.

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Train times from Angers to London

Showing times and prices for 21 Apr

Fastest Journey

5 h 17 m


5 h 36 m

Trains per day



450 km

To travel from Angers to London you need to make at least one change.

TGV inOui
1 change
TGV inOui
1 change

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Virgin Trains
East Coast
Cross Country
Deutsche Bahn

Overview: Train from Angers to London

distanceDistance279 miles
durationAverage train duration4 h 55 min
priceAverage train ticket price£446 (€493)
frequencyTrain frequency2 a day
changesDirect trainNo
carriersTrain companiesFjord Line or TGV INOUI

Trains from Angers to London cover the 279 miles long journey taking on average 4 h 55 min with our travel partners like Fjord Line or TGV INOUI. Normally, there are 2 trains operating per day. While the average ticket price for this trip costs around £446, you can find the cheapest train ticket for as low as £446. Travellers depart most frequently from Angers Saint-Laud and arrive in London Euston.

Eurostar trains from Angers to London


The Eurostar is a high-speed railway company operating in Europe since 1994. It travels at 186mph under the English Channel to cities on the continent—whether you’re going to Brussels, Amsterdam or Rotterdam. The train is Europe’s solution to fly less; over 11 million Europeans chose to take the train to London from Paris instead of flying in 2019.

The check-in time for Eurostar to London train is around 30 minutes. This means you can arrive in plenty of time to pick up a coffee at the Gare du Nord station in Paris or St Pancras Station in London. Eurostar trains are kitted out with an onboard bistro, toilets, air conditioning and Wi-Fi to make the train journey from Angers to London more comfortable.

With three fare classes to choose from—Standard, Standard Premier and Business Premier—you can pick which is best for you; It’s easy to book cheap Eurostar return tickets in advance by travelling mid-week. You can choose to travel in comfort in Business Premier when taking the Angers to London train, get served a hot meal and drinks throughout the crossing with newspapers and access to the Ashford Departure Lounge in London.

More information: Trains in France
More information: Travelling by train
More information: High-speed trains
More information: Taking the Eurostar
More information: Cheap Train Tickets

Eurostar Trains from Angers to London

The Eurostar is a high-speed train company connecting the UK to continental Europe and beyond.

When planning trips to Eurostar destinations, consider checking back for offers on Eurostar tickets. Speak to the Customer Care team at the Omio help centre for cancellations or changes to your ticket from Angers to London.

FAQs: Angers to London train

FAQs: Travel by train from Angers to London easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Angers to London.
Cheap train tickets from Angers to London can start from as little as £446 when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Angers to London is £446; however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The average journey time by train from Angers to London is 4 h 55 min   to travel the 279 mile long route, with around there are 2 trains per day. Journey times can vary on weekends and holidays.
The first train from Angers to London leaves at 06: 40. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from Angers to London leaves at 16: 02.
There are 2 trains a day from Angers to London which require at least one change with Fjord Line or TGV INOUI. Schedules can vary on holidays or weekends with fewer trains.
Yes, there's a high-speed train to London. Take the fast train with TGV INOUI from Angers to London.
Take the Angers to London train with Fjord Line or TGV INOUI. However, it's always good to check out all possible train providers for the journey between Angers and London as there might be differences in the amenities they offer.

When departing from Angers, you have various train station options to start your journey from including Angers Saint-Laud, Angers Maître École and Angers. When arriving in London, you can end your journey in train stations like London Euston, London St Pancras International and London Kings Cross.

Passengers board the train most frequently from Angers Saint-Laud, which is located around 0.6 miles (983 m) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at London Euston, located 1.8 miles (2.9 km) away from the city centre.

The cheapest month to travel from Angers to London by train is October.
It's helpful to compare your options as there are 3 ways to travel between Angers and London including taking a train, coach or flight.

Important Stations and Airports in Angers and London

Angers Saint-Laud is the most popular Angers railway station for Omio travellers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Angers for your journey to London.
Amenities at station
Phone Number
+33 892353535
Ticket Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 10: 00 - 18: 30 | Sat: 10: 00 - 17: 30 | Sun: 13: 00 - 18: 30
Public transport options for Angers Saint-Laud
Tram lines: A
Bus lines: Irigo 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14
Train lines: TGV, OUIGO, Intercités, TER Pays de la Loire
Angers Maître ÉcoleWifiParkingATMAccessibility
Amenities at station

More options for your journey from Angers to London

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