How to get to Grindelwald from Paris

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Travel options
from Paris to Grindelwald

How to get to Grindelwald from Paris by train, bus, flight or ferry.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Paris to Grindelwald is by taking a train because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

SNCF | TGV Lyria
Paris Gare de Lyon
15:40Grindelwald station
3 changes
SNCF | TGV Lyria
Paris Gare de Lyon
15:40Grindelwald station
3 changes
Air Baltic
Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG)
21:20Zurich Airport (ZRH)
0 changes
Other options
SNCF | TGV Lyria
Paris Gare de Lyon
16:40Grindelwald station
2 changes
SNCF | TGV Lyria
Paris Gare de Lyon
13:40Grindelwald station
3 changes
SNCF | TGV Lyria
Paris Gare de Lyon
00:46Grindelwald Bhf
2 changes
Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG)
08:55Zurich Airport (ZRH)
1 change
Paris Orly Airport (ORY)
08:55Zurich Airport (ZRH)
1 change
Air France
Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG)
22:30Zurich Airport (ZRH)
0 changes

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Travel Information between Paris and Grindelwald

distanceDistance305 miles
modeAvailable travel modesTrain or flight
priceTicket price range£83 - £206
cheapestCheapest modeFlight • £83 • 1 h 15 min
fastestFastest modeFlight • £83 • 1 h 15 min
carriersPopular travel companiesAir France or SNCF | TGV Lyria

Take a train or flight to travel 305 miles to Grindelwald from Paris. The most popular travel providers which serve this journey are Air France or SNCF | TGV Lyria among others. Travellers can even take a direct flight or train from Paris to Grindelwald.

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Deutsche Bahn

All travel companies: All Airlines and Train Companies from Paris to Grindelwald

Travel on Deutsche Bahn, Air France and SBB travel from Paris to Grindelwald at great prices. Omio finds you travel times and tickets for over 1000 travel companies all in one place.

SBB is the national railway company of Switzerland which operates trains from Paris to Grindelwald. It operates a wide range of trains, including InterCity, InterRegio, RegioExpress, Regio, S-Bahn, and InterCityExpress. InterCity trains are the fastest, with speeds of up to 200 km/h, while Regio trains are the slowest, with speeds of up to 120 km/h. SBB also offers a variety of ticket types, such as the Swiss Travel Pass, Half-Fare Card, and Super Saver tickets. Onboard facilities include Wi-Fi, power outlets, and a restaurant car. The most popular routes for SBB are from Zurich to Geneva, Basel to Bern, and Geneva to Lausanne.

    Swiss is Switzerland’s leading airline and offers Economy and Business ticket fares for your next travel from Paris to Grindelwald.

      FAQs: Paris to Grindelwald

      FAQs: Travel to Grindelwald easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Paris to Grindelwald.

      You can get between Paris and Grindelwald 2 different ways: train or flight.

      The cheapest way to travel between Paris and Grindelwald is a flight with an average price of £83.

      This is compared to other travel options from Paris to Grindelwald:

      Taking a flight costs £124 less than taking a train, which costs on average £206 for the same trip.

      The fastest way to get to Grindelwald from Paris is by flight with an average travel time of 1 h 15 min.

      Other travel options to Grindelwald take longer:

      Getting to Grindelwald by train takes 7 h 18 min on average.

      The distance from Paris to Grindelwald is approximately 305 miles.

      The average frequency per day from Paris to Grindelwald is:

      • Around 4 trains per day.

      However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your route from Paris to Grindelwald as scheduled services by train or flight can vary by season or day of the week.

      These are the most popular departure and arrival points for travellers from Paris to Grindelwald:

      • Trains from Paris to Grindelwald most often leave from Paris Gare du Nord and arrive in Grindelwald.

      Omio works with many trusted partners that can help you travel the best way from Paris to Grindelwald:

      • You can take a flight from Paris to Grindelwald with Air France, Air Baltic, SWISS, LAER, Lufthansa Cityline (2) or Vueling Airlines. Cheap tickets can be found for £83 with Vueling Airlines from Paris to Grindelwald.
      • You can go to Grindelwald from Paris by train with SNCF | TGV Lyria, SBB, Deutsche Bahn, SNCF | TGV INOUI, SNCF ICE, TGV, SNCF | TGV, SNCF (3) or TGV INOUI. You'll see cheap train tickets for £136 with SNCF (3) from Paris to Grindelwald on Omio.

      Yes, there are direct routes from Paris to Grindelwald with the following travel companies:

      • You'll find direct flights with Air France, SWISS or LAER.
      • You can travel directly by train with.

      Direct services to Grindelwald tend to save you time and add more convenience as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking tickets for your journey.

      Many of our customers travelling from Paris to Grindelwald don't make Grindelwald their final stop. Some of the destinations worth visiting after are Interlaken, Zurich, Milan, Lauterbrunnen or Geneva, either of which you could add to your Paris and Grindelwald trip itinerary. Check Omio for the best and cheapest ways to travel from Grindelwald to any of these top destinations today!

      Travelling from Paris to Grindelwald: related information

      Here are some other resources that might have the information you need

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