Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin train

Thu, 18 Apr
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Cheap train tickets from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin

Showing times and prices for 19 Apr


The best way to find a cheap train ticket from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid travelling at rush hour.

Deutsche Bahn
Frankfurt (Oder) station
09:58Berlin-Lichtenberg station
0 changes

Train timetableFrankfurt (Oder) to Berlin

Showing trains for tomorrow, Friday, 19 April
Deutsche Bahn
Frankfurt (Oder) station
09:58Berlin-Lichtenberg station
0 changes

This is the last train of the day.

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Train times from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin

Showing times and prices for 19 Apr

Fastest Journey

46 m


46 m

Trains per day



80 km

Of the 1 trains that leave Frankfurt (Oder) for Berlin every day 1 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

Deutsche Bahn
Frankfurt (Oder) station
09:58Berlin-Lichtenberg station
0 changes

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Virgin Trains
East Coast
Cross Country
Deutsche Bahn

ReviewsReviews for the rail journey from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin


The customer opinion was acquired via Cimenio. Cimenio incentivises its users for giving an honest opinion and proving the booking with a photo of the travel ticket.

IconPunctual and fast
IconNo negative events
The train journey from Frankfurt to Berlin was very positive overall. The accessibility at the station was very good, but there is room for improvement in Berlin. The train was on time and the staff very helpful and attentive. The toilet and bistro were clean and well equipped, I was able to buy a fresh coffee during the journey. The comfort of the seats and the availability of power outlets were there and working properly. The cleanliness on the train was acceptable but could be improved. The hygiene was fine. Overall a solid travel experience.
IconVery convenient travel
I travelled the Frankfurt or to Berlin route and travelled alone as an adult. As I travel frequently for work, I don't mind travelling a lot by train; on the contrary, it's a very relaxed and comfortable journey, as you can already work on the way. The trains are well equipped, with wifi, charging facilities for mobile phones and laptops, and a decent on-board bistro. In the on-board bistro, it is usually a gamble whether everything is in order and available or not. The only thing that could be better is the hygiene in the toilets, but this cannot always be guaranteed with so many passengers and changing journeys yesterday. In my opinion, the fare for such a route is very high, but since it is paid by my employer, it is not a tragedy.
IconEverything went smoothly
The train arrived on time and made a tidy impression from the outside. Inside the train, unfortunately, it looked different, the floor was very dirty, the walls almost black and the windows very dull, so it was very hard to see through. The seat was worn out and the fabric was almost smooth, plus it was hardly upholstered. The toilet looked unclean to me personally and it smelled unpleasant. There was wifi as well as electricity on the train, which was positive. A member of staff was always on hand. It was a fast train connection, but could be cleaner.
IconVery fast and uncomplicated
IconSomewhat unhygienic
I was able to book and print my ticket very quickly thanks to the clear app. When I arrived at the platform, the train came 5 minutes later. Inside the train it looked a bit unhygienic and unfortunately there was nothing to disinfect your hands. My seat looked tidy and comfortable, but didn't feel quite so comfortable. It was a bit worn out and looked used up. The toilet was an imposition, it smelled unpleasant and there was no toilet paper. The staff were friendly. The train itself was a bit noisy during the journey, but very fast. I give this train connection four stars thanks to the cheap ticket price, and the fast speed.
IconThe goal is reached relatively quickly
IconA little messy
I have often travelled this train connection, and so far I have not noticed too much of a difference; it is almost always the same. Of course, the train is delayed from time to time, but you have to put up with that, and that's understandable. I think that since this connection certainly takes on a lot of passengers, it is obvious that the train is difficult to keep clean. For this, I deduct half a star. Thanks to the power source and wifi on the train, it's wonderful to pass the time with your tablet or smartphone during the journey, and if that doesn't work or gets too boring, there's always a bistro on the train where you can buy various drinks or snacks. The toilet is rather averagely clean, yet I didn't miss anything, for this I deduct another half star, the seating position is relatively comfortable, clean and looks well maintained. There is enough daylight in the train so that you can also read a book, among other things. The staff have been 80% friendly so far. I give this train connection a total of four stars, as it is still pretty well organised in this day and age.
IconWas all right
The booking of this trip actually went smoothly. I was looking forward to the trip, but unfortunately I was a bit disappointed by the cleanliness on the train. The seats were very dirty and the walls were smeared, the toilets were also not completely clean, so you couldn't actually sit on them. I was driven safely to my destination, but not very pleasantly. Maybe Deutsche Bahn can improve the cleanliness a bit. Otherwise, beautiful scenery along the way.
This connection from Frankfurt to Berlin was very pleasant. There was wifi on board as well as a power socket. The seats were comfortable and clean. The staff were very friendly, and had asked me if everything was suitable for me as it was. The toilet was clean and had everything you needed. There were enough paper towels as well as toilet paper, soap and disinfectant. The price could be a little cheaper. Otherwise, I am very satisfied with this route and can recommend it to others.
IconFree wifi
I travelled from Frankfurt to Berlin by ICE. The train ride was very pleasant, the service was also very, very friendly, the train was very clean. There was also a socket next to the seats where you can charge your mobile phone. There was also wifi access throughout the journey.
IconWas ok
The booking of this trip actually went smoothly. I was looking forward to the trip, but unfortunately I was a bit disappointed by the cleanliness on the train. The seats were very dirty and the walls were smeared, the toilets were also not completely clean, so you couldn't actually sit on them. I was driven safely to my destination, but not very pleasantly. Maybe Deutsche Bahn can improve the cleanliness a bit. Otherwise, beautiful scenery along the way.

Overview: Train from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin

distanceDistance49 miles
durationAverage train duration54 min
priceAverage train ticket price£18 (€20)
changesDirect trainNo
carriersTrain companiesDeutsche Bahn

Trains from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin cover the 49 miles long route taking on average 54 min with our travel partners like Deutsche Bahn. You can get the cheapest train tickets for this route for as low as £9, but the average price of train tickets is £18. Travellers depart most frequently from Frankfurt (Oder) and arrive in Berlin Hbf.

Train providers: Deutsche Bahn trains Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin

For as little as £9 you can travel by train from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin with Deutsche Bahn. Omio will show you the best deals, timetables and tickets available for this trip.

Deutsche Bahn (DB) is the main operator of train services in Germany, making on average 40,000 journeys per day. A special feature of Deutsche Bahn is its wide range of ticket types, savings offers including Super Saver, Saver, and Flexible fares and discount cards like the BahnCard 25, 50 and 100, which you can also use for your train from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin. DB uses different types of trains such as the ICE (Intercity Express), IC (Intercity), EC (Eurocity), IRE (Interregio-Express), RE (Regional Express) and RB (Regionalbahn) on its routes, which differ in terms of comfort and the time required to travel. For example, while toilets are standard amenities, services like an onboard restaurant or free WiFi are only available on certain trains.

Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin train information with Deutsche Bahn:

  • Average Duration: 41 min
  • Cheapest Price: £9

FAQs: Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin train

FAQs: Travel by train from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin.
Cheap train tickets from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin can start from as little as £9 when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin is £18; however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The train time from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin is on average 54 min   for the 49 mile long journey, but the time it takes to go between Frankfurt (Oder) and Berlin by train can vary depending on specific dates or if traveling on weekends and holidays.
The first train from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin leaves at 08: 12. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin leaves at 20: 12.
For the route from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin you can take a train with Deutsche Bahn. Be sure to check out all possible train companies that offer services from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin on Omio to compare what amenities they may have.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 20: 12.

When departing from Frankfurt (Oder), you have various train station options to start your trip from including Frankfurt (Oder), Frankfurt (Oder) -Neuberesinchen and Frankfurt (Oder) -Rosengarten. When arriving in Berlin, you can end your journey in train stations like Berlin Hbf, Berlin Alexanderplatz and Berlin Südkreuz station.

Passengers board the train most frequently from Frankfurt (Oder), which is located around 0.9 miles (1.5 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Berlin Hbf, located 3.5 miles (5.6 km) away from the city centre.

The cheapest month for a train from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin is January.
You have options as you can travel from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin 2 different ways: coach or train.

Important Stations and Airports in Frankfurt (Oder) and Berlin

Frankfurt (Oder)
Frankfurt (Oder) is the most popular Frankfurt (Oder) railway station for Omio travellers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Frankfurt (Oder) for your journey to Berlin.
Amenities at station
Ticket Office Hours
At a Travel Center you will receive the following services with personal consultation: Tickets and reservations up to shortly before departure, season tickets and DB monthly season tickets on subscription as well as DB BahnCard related offers. Furthermore, national and international timetable and fare information is available in addition to supplementary services and offers for your rail journey.
Frankfurt (Oder) -RosengartenParkingAccessibility
Amenities at station
Frankfurt (Oder) -NeuberesinchenATMAccessibility
Frankfurt (Oder), Kleist Forum
Frankfurt (Oder) Gr
Frankfurt (Oder), Rosengarten Lindenplatz

More options for your journey from Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin

Here are some other resources that might have the information you need

HomeTrainsTrain Times to Berlin Frankfurt (Oder) to Berlin train

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