How to get to Almeria from Tarragona

Fri, 19 Apr
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Travel options
from Tarragona to Almeria

How to get to Almeria from Tarragona by train, bus, flight or ferry.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Tarragona to Almeria is by taking a flight because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

Barcelona El Prat Airport (BCN)
13:20Almeria International Airport (LEI)
0 changes
08:00Almería, Port
0 changes
Barcelona El Prat Airport (BCN)
13:20Almeria International Airport (LEI)
0 changes
Other options
0 changes
0 changes
2 changes
Barcelona El Prat Airport (BCN)
13:40Almeria International Airport (LEI)
1 change
Barcelona El Prat Airport (BCN)
13:40Almeria International Airport (LEI)
1 change
Barcelona El Prat Airport (BCN)
13:40Almeria International Airport (LEI)
1 change

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Travel Information between Tarragona and Almeria

distanceDistance355 miles
modeAvailable travel modesCoach or flight
priceTicket price range£25 - £64
cheapestCheapest modeFlight • £25 • 1 h 30 min
fastestFastest modeFlight • £25 • 1 h 30 min
carriersPopular travel companiesAlsa or Vueling Airlines

Take a coach or flight to travel 355 miles to Almeria from Tarragona. The most popular travel providers which serve this route are Alsa or Vueling Airlines among others. Travellers can even take a direct coach or flight from Tarragona to Almeria.

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Deutsche Bahn

All travel companies: All Airlines and Coach Companies from Tarragona to Almeria

Find the best trip between Tarragona and Almeria with Omio's travel partners Vueling Airlines, Alsa and Iberia! You'll find the best deals, timetables and tickets when comparing and booking the most affordable trip for you.

Alsa is the main provier of travel travel in Spain. As a subsidiary of the UK travel operator National Express, Alsa offers a plethora of regional, national and international routes and transports more than 300 million passengers per year. Alsa has an impressive fleet of travel with different levels of comfort and amenities on offer. Aside from the Alsa Normal travel with free WiFi, toilets, footrests and entertainment on board, the Alsa Supra, Alsa Eurobus and Alsa Premium travel provide more luxurious services when travelling by road, depending on the specific route. Apart from the Standard ticket, Alsa offers other travel tickets like Minimum, Reduced and Flexible fares on select routes.

    Iberia is Spain’s leading airline, headquartered in Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Barajas in Madrid, offering flights around Europe and across the world. It offers different fares for your next travel to Almeria from Tarragona including: Basic Fare, Classic Fare, Flexible Fare and Business Club.

      FAQs: Tarragona to Almeria

      FAQs: Travel to Almeria easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Tarragona to Almeria.

      There are 2 options to travel to Almeria from Tarragona including taking a coach or flight.

      The cheapest way to travel to Almeria from Tarragona is a flight with an average price of £25.

      This is compared to other travel options from Tarragona to Almeria:

      Taking a flight costs £39 less than taking a coach, which average ticket prices of £64.

      The fastest way to get to Almeria from Tarragona is by flight with an average travel time of 1 h 30 min.

      Other travel options to Almeria take longer:

      Getting to Almeria by coach takes 11 h 15 min on average.

      The Tarragona to Almeria distance is approximately 355 miles.

      The average frequency per day from Tarragona to Almeria is:

      • Around 2 coaches per day.

      However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your trip between Tarragona and Almeria as scheduled services by coach or flight can vary by season or day of the week.

      These are the most popular departure and arrival points for travellers from Tarragona to Almeria:

      • Coaches from Tarragona to Almeria most often leave from Tarragona and arrive in Almería, Salinas (almeria).

      Omio works with many trusted partners that can help you travel the best way from Tarragona to Almeria:

      • You can go to Almeria from Tarragona by coach with Alsa, BlaBlaCar or Infobus. You'll see cheap coach tickets for £47 with Alsa from Tarragona to Almeria on Omio.
      • You can travel by plane between Tarragona and Almeria with Vueling Airlines or Iberia, and you can find Vueling Airlines Tarragona to Almeria tickets for £25 on Omio.

      Yes, there are direct routes from Tarragona to Almeria with the following travel companies:

      • You can check for a direct coach to Almeria with Alsa with 2 direct coaches per day.

      Direct services to Almeria tend to save you time and add more convenience as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking tickets for your route.

      Omio customers who travel from Tarragona to Almeria often also extend their holiday to go to Madrid, Málaga, Barcelona, Granada or Seville. Omio can help you plan your trip by finding the best connections between Almeria and these popular destinations at a great price.

      Travelling from Tarragona to Almeria: related information

      Here are some other resources that might have the information you need

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