Marburg to Lucerne train

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Compare prices and tickets Marburg to Lucerne by coach

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Deutsche Bahn

Overview: Train from Marburg to Lucerne

distanceDistance260 miles
durationAverage train duration6 h 3 min
changesDirect trainNo
carriersTrain companiesDeutsche Bahn

Trains from Marburg to Lucerne cover the 260 miles long journey taking on average 6 h 3 min with our travel partners like Deutsche Bahn. While the average ticket price for this journey costs around , you can find the cheapest train ticket for as low as £49. Travellers depart most frequently from Marburg (Lahn) and arrive in Lucerne.

Train providers: Deutsche Bahn trains Marburg to Lucerne

You can travel by train between Marburg and Lucerne with Deutsche Bahn for as low as £49. When you search for timetables and tickets, Omio will show you the best route.

Deutsche Bahn is a German train company that operates trains throughout the country including trains from Marburg to Lucerne. It offers a wide range of services, including high-speed InterCity Express (ICE) trains, regional trains, and night trains. ICE trains are the fastest and most comfortable way to travel, with speeds of up to 300 km/h. Regional trains are slower but offer more frequent stops and are ideal for shorter trips. Night trains are a great way to save time and money, with comfortable sleeping compartments and couchettes. Deutsche Bahn offers a variety of ticket types, including single tickets, day tickets, and group tickets. Onboard facilities include free Wi-Fi, power outlets, and a variety of food and beverage options. The most popular routes for Deutsche Bahn are between major cities such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, and Frankfurt. Other popular routes include Cologne to Stuttgart, Berlin to Dresden, and Hamburg to Cologne.

Train information from Marburg to Lucerne with Deutsche Bahn:

  • Average Duration: 6 h 3 min
  • Cheapest Price: £49

FAQs: Marburg to Lucerne train

FAQs: Travel by train from Marburg to Lucerne easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Marburg to Lucerne.
Cheap train tickets from Marburg to Lucerne can start from as little as £49 when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Marburg to Lucerne is ; however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The train time to Lucerne from Marburg is on average 6 h 3 min   for the 260 mile long journey, but the time it takes to go from Marburg to Lucerne by train can vary depending on specific dates or if traveling on weekends and holidays.
For the journey from Marburg to Lucerne you can take a train with Deutsche Bahn. Be sure to check out all possible train providers that offer services to Lucerne from Marburg on Omio to compare what amenities they may have.

When departing from Marburg, you have various train station options to start your route from including Marburg (Lahn) and Marburg Süd station. When arriving in Lucerne, you can end your journey in train stations like Lucerne, Lucerne Allmend/Messe and Luzern Verkehrshaus.

Passengers board the train most frequently from Marburg (Lahn), which is located around 1.7 miles (2.8 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Lucerne, located 0.3 miles (525 m) away from the city centre.

Yes, you can take a coach from Marburg to Lucerne.

Important Stations and Airports in Marburg and Lucerne

Marburg (Lahn) is the most popular Marburg railway station for Omio travellers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Marburg for your journey to Lucerne.
Amenities at station
Ticket Office Hours
At a Travel Center you will receive the following services with personal consultation: Tickets and reservations up to shortly before departure, season tickets and DB monthly season tickets on subscription as well as DB BahnCard related offers. Furthermore, national and international timetable and fare information is available in addition to supplementary services and offers for your rail journey.
Amenities at station

More options for your journey from Marburg to Lucerne

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