Koblenz to Cologne train

Fri, 19 Apr
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Cheap train tickets from Koblenz to Cologne

Showing times and prices for 19 Apr


The best way to find a cheap train ticket from Koblenz to Cologne is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid travelling at rush hour.

Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
09:43Cologne Hbf
0 changes
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
09:05Cologne Hbf
0 changes
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
10:05Cologne Hbf
0 changes
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
10:28Cologne Hbf
0 changes

Train timetableKoblenz to Cologne

Showing trains for tomorrow, Friday, 19 April
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
09:05Cologne Hbf
0 changes
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
09:43Cologne Hbf
0 changes
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
10:05Cologne Hbf
0 changes
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
10:28Cologne Hbf
0 changes

This is the last train of the day.

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Train times from Koblenz to Cologne

Showing times and prices for 19 Apr

Fastest Journey

52 m


59 m

Trains per day



78 km

Of the 4 trains that leave Koblenz for Cologne every day 4 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
10:05Cologne Hbf
0 changes
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
09:05Cologne Hbf
0 changes
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
09:43Cologne Hbf
0 changes
Deutsche Bahn
Koblenz Hbf
10:28Cologne Hbf
0 changes

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Virgin Trains
East Coast
Cross Country
Deutsche Bahn

ReviewsReviews for the rail journey from Koblenz to Cologne


The customer opinion was acquired via Cimenio. Cimenio incentivises its users for giving an honest opinion and proving the booking with a photo of the travel ticket.

IconDirty WC~
The train ride from Cologne to Koblenz on the ICE 23 was quite pleasant. There were beautiful views along the Rhine. The train was punctual throughout and the journey time of just under an hour was quite reasonable. What bothered me a bit was that the toilets were not really clean. The service was good, the staff was very friendly.
IconTrain was on time
IconService was very good
IconSeats were comfortable and offered full amenities
IconNo changeover was necessary
IconToilets were not clean
The train went straight through to Koblenz without changing trains. It was very relaxing, especially as the train was not very busy, which could be due to the fact that the train was quite long. Everything on the train was very clean, except for the toilets. There were power sockets and an internet connection on the train. It was very quiet in the passenger compartment and there were informative connection announcements. The staff had been friendly and even offered a drink from the service area. The train had been on time so far and got me from A to B safely.
IconLess stress
IconBuild community
I took the train back to Koblenz with my 49-euro ticket, as I had made a day trip. Fortunately, I was able to relax for the entire journey and had no stress, but the comfort level may still leave a little to be desired.

Overview: Train from Koblenz to Cologne

distanceDistance48 miles
durationAverage train duration52 min
priceAverage train ticket price£18 (€20)
frequencyTrain frequency39 a day
changesDirect trainYes, there are 39 direct trains a day
carriersTrain providersDeutsche Bahn or National Express

Trains from Koblenz to Cologne cover the 48 miles long trip taking on average 52 min with our travel partners like Deutsche Bahn or National Express. Normally, there are 39 trains operating per day. You can get the cheapest train tickets for this trip for as low as £9, but the average price of train tickets is £18. Travellers depart most frequently from Koblenz Hbf and arrive in Cologne Hbf.

Train providers: Deutsche Bahn and National Express trains Koblenz to Cologne

Buy your official Deutsche Bahn and National Express train tickets from Koblenz to Cologne from £9 with Omio. Find train times and tickets for over 1000 travel companies to compare and book the most convenient journey.

Deutsche Bahn is a German train company that operates trains throughout the country including trains between Koblenz and Cologne. It offers a wide range of services, including high-speed InterCity Express (ICE) trains, regional trains, and night trains. ICE trains are the fastest and most comfortable way to travel, with speeds of up to 300 km/h. Regional trains are slower but offer more frequent stops and are ideal for shorter trips. Night trains are a great way to save time and money, with comfortable sleeping compartments and couchettes. Deutsche Bahn offers a variety of ticket types, including single tickets, day tickets, and group tickets. Onboard facilities include free Wi-Fi, power outlets, and a variety of food and beverage options. The most popular routes for Deutsche Bahn are between major cities such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, and Frankfurt. Other popular routes include Cologne to Stuttgart, Berlin to Dresden, and Hamburg to Cologne.

Koblenz to Cologne train information with Deutsche Bahn:

  • Average Duration: 52 min
  • Cheapest Price: £9
  • Deutsche Bahn frequency: 27 a day

FAQs: Koblenz to Cologne train

FAQs: Travel by train from Koblenz to Cologne easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Koblenz to Cologne.
Cheap train tickets from Koblenz to Cologne can start from as little as £9 when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Koblenz to Cologne is £18; however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The train time between Koblenz and Cologne is on average 52 min   for the 48 mile long journey, but the time it takes to go between Koblenz and Cologne by train can vary depending on specific dates or if traveling on weekends and holidays.
The first train from Koblenz to Cologne leaves at 07: 13. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from Koblenz to Cologne leaves at 22: 40.
There are 39 trains a day from Koblenz to Cologne which require at least one change with Deutsche Bahn or National Express. Schedules can vary on holidays or weekends with fewer trains.
When taking a train from Koblenz to Cologne, you can count on Deutsche Bahn or National Express for the best way to get you to Cologne. You can also check all possible train providers who offer a service between Koblenz and Cologne and compare the amenities they offer before buying a train ticket.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 22: 40.

When departing from Koblenz, you have various train station options to start your journey from including Koblenz Hbf, Koblenz Stadtmitte station and Koblenz-Lützel station. When arriving in Cologne, you can end your route in train stations like Cologne Hbf, Cologne Messe/Deutz and Cologne/Bonn Flughafen.

Passengers board the train most frequently from Koblenz Hbf, which is located around 0.7 miles (1.2 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Cologne Hbf, located 1.6 miles (2.5 km) away from the city centre.

The cheapest month for a train from Koblenz to Cologne is October.
It's helpful to compare your options as there are 2 ways to travel to Cologne from Koblenz including taking a train or coach.

Important Stations and Airports in Koblenz and Cologne

Koblenz Hbf is the most popular Koblenz railway station for Omio travellers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Koblenz for your journey to Cologne.
Amenities at station
Ticket Office Hours
At a Travel Center you will receive the following services with personal consultation: Tickets and reservations up to shortly before departure, season tickets and DB monthly season tickets on subscription as well as DB BahnCard related offers. Furthermore, national and international timetable and fare information is available in addition to supplementary services and offers for your rail journey.
Koblenz-Lützel stationParkingATMAccessibility
Amenities at station
Amenities at station
Amenities at station
Koblenz, Koblenz Balduinbrücke
Koblenz KD

More options for your journey from Koblenz to Cologne

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