Exeter to Paris flights

Sat, 20 Apr
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Overview: Exeter to Paris flight

distanceDistance291 miles
durationAverage flight duration1 h 20 min
priceAverage plane ticket price£35 (€38)
changesDirect flightNo

Flights from Exeter to Paris cover the 291 miles long trip and usually take around 1 h 20 min. You can get the cheapest plane tickets for this trip for as low as £35, but the average price of plane tickets is £35. Travellers depart most frequently from Exeter International Airport and arrive in Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.

Cheap flights tickets from Exeter to Paris

Showing times and prices for 21 Apr


The best way to find a cheap flight ticket from Exeter to Paris is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid travelling at rush hour.

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Flight scheduleExeter to Paris

Showing flights for tomorrow, Sunday, 21 April
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This is the last flight of the day.

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Flight times from Exeter to Paris

Showing times and prices for 21 Apr

Fastest Journey

1 h 20 m


1 h 20 m

Flights per day



470 km

Of the 1 flights that leave Exeter for Paris every day 1 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

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Exeter to Paris Flights: An Overview

Travellers planning a trip to the French capital from the south-west of England can use daily direct flights from Exeter to Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport. In addition there are daily indirect services from Exeter. Journey times for the flight over the Channel are 1 and a half hours for direct flights, significantly longer for indirect services.

Which airlines fly from Exeter to Paris?

All the daily direct departures from Exeter to Paris are operated by Flybe from its hub in the south west. The indirect connections involve taking Flybe departures from Exeter to Manchester and connecting with onward Flybe routes to Paris Charles De Gaulle.

How long is the flight from Exeter to Paris?

The direct flights from Exeter to Paris with Flybe take 1 hour 30 minutes to cover the 292 mile route south over the Channel from the Devon city to the French capital. The fastest indirect services routed via Manchester take just under 4 hours, with some slower connections taking nearly 6 hours.

How many flights are there from Exeter to Paris?

The Flybe timetable offers 2 daily non-stop flights from Exeter to Paris from Sunday to Friday, with a single direct service on Saturdays. Weekday departure times are at 6:30 a.m. and 2:35 p.m. There are 2 or 3 indirect connections on weekdays, with 1 indirect flight on Saturdays and Sundays. Indirect departures offer morning or afternoon take off times from Exeter.

What are the departure and arrival airports for flights from Exeter to Paris?

Departure airport: Exeter InternationalExeter International Airport is 6 miles east of central Exeter with local bus service 56 making the 20-30 minute trip from the arrivals hall into the city. Long and short stay parking is available at the airport, where passenger facilities include an executive lounge with business amenities, a chain newsagent and a cafe-diner.

Arrival airport: Paris Charles De Gaulle Charles De Gaulle Airport is situated 16 miles north-east of central Paris, with fast public transport connections available on buses or SNCF and RER regional trains, taking 35 minutes to reach the city centre. The passenger terminals at CDG have a huge choice of luxury shops, international restaurants, currency exchange bureaux and business facilities.

FAQs: Exeter to Paris flights

FAQs: Take a flight from Exeter to Paris hassle-free. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Exeter to Paris.
Cheap plane tickets from Exeter to Paris can start from as little as £35 when you book in advance. The average flight ticket price for Exeter to Paris is £35; however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
On average the Exeter to Paris flight travel time is 1 h 20 min   for the 291 mile long route, but the duration can vary if you travel on weekends and holidays.
The first flight from Exeter to Paris leaves at 10: 30. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last flight from Exeter to Paris leaves at 19: 00.

Flights from Exeter to Paris generally leave from Exeter International Airport and arrive in Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.

Exeter International Airport is 9 km away from Exeter city centre and Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport is 29.7 km from Paris city centre.

The cheapest month to travel from Exeter to Paris by plane is November.
It's helpful to compare your options as there are 3 ways to travel to Paris from Exeter including taking a train, coach or flight.

More options for your journey from Exeter to Paris

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